2020 年及2021年1月管理工作回顧
Review and Working Report for 2020 & Jan, 2021
The Ännual Review and Working Report for the year of 2020 and montly
report for Jan 2021 have been completed and their copies released on
the site for the reference of owners or occupants. The 2020 Annual
Report is also posted on the wall of lift lobby for the reference of
all owners or occupants.
古語有云:「遠親不如近鄰」;今天都市人,大都居住在多層大廈內,分享著一些現代化設施帶來的方便,也分擔著購置、維護和操作它們的成本,是普遍的社會生活模式,如果 彼此欠缺諒解和合作的意念,莫説改善生活,要維持原有的服務質素也有困難。
權利和責任對稱而且關連,在追求個人權利時,也要盡一己的責任;所以,居住在現代都市的屋 苑,就是生活在一個小的社區,彼此要守望相助,以友善關顧的心態來共同解決屋苑內的問題,利己利人,才能享受舒適快樂的現代家居和社區生活。
Keep in Touch with Your Neighbors and Promote Mutual Aid among Them
An old Chinese saying tells that a remote
relative is no better than a neighbor adjacent to you. Residing in a
multi-storey building is destined to be a common form of social life
for people living in a modern city. All residents enjoy voluminous
services and facilities attributed to the technological advancement
made in the last two centuries. However, as a member of a housing
estate, we must share with each other some common amenities as well as
the cost for the procurement and maintenance of these enjoyment thus
generated. Without the sense of consideration and cooperation,
there will be no way to keep all these firmware to work properly, let
alone the promotion of the well being of all residents.
Rights and responsibilities are symmetrical. We should not only pursue personal interest while neglecting our duties as a member of the small community. So always keep in touch with your neighbors and promote mutual aid among them. Try every means to seek for win-win solution to the problems we might encounter in a friendly and helpful manner with those people living around you as far as you could.
Our Youtube DIY Demonstration Channel
also create a Youtube Channel and offer video clips that demonstrate
various arts, crafts, techniques, and tools for DIY to those audiences
who are hobbyists of crafts or interested in home maintenance. You may
subscribe to our channel according to the "URL" shown below:
Other Free Web-sites for DIY or Self-Learners
View All Other DIY Workshop Websites
快樂自學識維修 <http://hm-diy.pcg-u.com/> 以視頻或圖片介紹一些家居工藝創作和維修的小技巧。是繼<web4dummy> (建網工作室) 和 <essene>(含英嘴華國學文存) 後第三個公益網站。
The website <http://hm-diy.pcg-u.com/> tells how DIY works or
helps non-professional in maintenance and repairing with video clips or
images. Together with another 3 websites, namely the <Web4dummy>, <Essence> and <M & R Wiki>, we intend to provide all people positive and useful information for bettering their life.
Management Notice 管理通告
Contains URL to I/E Statements
Last updated to Oct 2020
2020 寶湖管理工作回顧
Queries & Response 質詢及回應
我們堅信事實勝於雄辯或謊言,所以願意收集和轉載不同意見 We collect opinions including critics from owners and residents because we believe that fact speaks louder than words and lies.
Letter to Owners 業戶通訊
Reality, Righteousness, Rationality, Responsible Representation of Fact, Restraints & Respectfulness
辨真假 明是非 講道理 負責任 擺事實 勤自省 互尊重