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About Our Web
歡迎瀏覽寶湖花園的雙語非官方網站, 我們共建立了兩個網站,主網站由2020.04.11 起遷入<http://www.pcg-u.com/>, 在速度和資訊容量都加大了,令瀏覽的感覺更佳。此爲寶湖花園的非官方網站,希望能為屋邨居民和業主提供有用的資訊,促進彼此了解,社區生活和諧,相處融 洽,健康快樂。由於時間和其他種種因素,部份資訊只有中文版本,如業戶需要英文版本,作者願意提供協助。
Welcome To the Unofficial Website of Plover Cove Garden
This is the unofficial website of Plover Cove
Gardent located in Tai Po. We have 2 parallel sites. The Main web site was upgraded and migrated to <http://www.pcg-u.com/>
since 2020.04.11 so as to enable a much better browsing experience in
terms of the swiftness and volume of data.
We build this bilingual web site mainly for the occupants of this
beautiful housing estate and hope that the information provided herein
will promote the mutual understanding among all residents and owners.
The author will try to provide all messages both in English and
Chinese. Yet due to the limit of time and else reasons, some specific
informations are written in Chinese only. The author is willing to help
those occupants who are in need of English copies upon request.
Our site is embedded with "Searching Engine Optimized" (SEO) code. If you forget the name of our site, just key in "pcg unofficial" as searching string keyword. The site address should be listed on top of the result, most probably in the first page. There is also a mirror site at <pcg.um-gallery.net> serving as a secondary resources when bandwidth is not enough.
Finally, before you visit this site, please read our legal notices at first.
Covid 19 News Express
2019 新冠肺炎特別消息
Covid 19 news express 新冠肺炎疫情最新消息.
Letter to Owners: AGM under the rampage of Covid 19 限聚令下的業主大會
Opening Address 創網辭
Legal Notices
Disclaimer 免責條款
Copyright Notice 版權聲明
Privacy Policy 私隱政策